This was our final class of English with the students of 4A. We wanted to celebrate this by playing board games in English with small groups of the students. There were many different types of board games, which all required the players to practice their English vocabulary  about the weather, geography, and much more. This was a very fun and easy way to allow the students to learn and have fun at the same time. During these games, I would spend some time with each group in order to explain the rules, answer any questions they had, or even to play a little bit myself. Overall, this was a fantastic way to end the school year.

As a final activity in the SUMMEM about history we have designed a timeline with the most important events in different ages.

In groups they presented their works and finally shared their “Road trip through history” as a class. Hope you like this final product!

As a final activity in the SUMMEM about inventions and discoveries throughout history we have designed a timeline with the most important of these in different ages.

In groups they presented their works and finally shared it as a whole class final product. Hope you like it!
