Emmarcat en el Projecte d’Escola Multilingüe, el passat dissabte 2 d'octubre van arribar els 3 Auxiliars de Conversa, tots vinguts del Regne Unit: la Jyoti Chauhan, que desenvolupa les seves tasques a Cicle Inicial de Primària i a l'etapa d'Infantil, la Sarah Anne Maddock que està amb els alumnes de Cicle Mitjà i Superior de Primària, i el Samuel Lister que fa les funcions d'auxiliar de conversa a l'ESO i Batxillerat.

L'escola ha apostat, com els sis anys anteriors, per afegir-se al Programa d'Auxiliars de Conversa amb la inestimable col·laboració de les 9 famílies acollidores, sense les quals no podríem tirar-ho endavant.

Els auxiliars, en les primeres sessions s'han donat a conèixer als alumnes amb petites presentacions en PowerPoint i aquests han pogut interactuar amb preguntes i experiències que han volgut compartir amb ells.

Aquestes han estat les seves primeres impressions:

Hi! My name is Jyoti, the conversation assistant for infant groups. This week I've been introducing myself to the younger students and their teachers, it was very interesting (and entertaining) to see the children react to everything. I'm so grateful everyone has been so welcoming and helpful because it's been a little overwhelming!

Hello! I'm Sarah and I'm from High Wycombe, a small town very close to London. Throughout this year I will be the conversation assistant based in Primary- which I am very excited about! I am going to be working with primary 2nd class all the way up to the 6th classes. I have had the fortunate task of introducing myself this week to all of the classes I will be assisting. We have been getting to know each other through various icebreaker songs, activities and 1:2 conversation practise.  All of the children and teachers have participated enthusiastically and I am excited for the months to come!

My name is Sam Lister and I am the conversation assistant for ESO and BAT. My first impressions of the school are that the students are always pleased and excited to see me and, there are so many of them! All of the students I have met with so far have a good level of English from 1st ESO right the way up to 2nd BAT. I have been taking small groups for fifteen minutes at a time and the only thing holding some students back isn't the knowledge of the language, but the confidence to speak it out loud which I am hoping will improve by the end of the school year.

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