Aquest curs 2024-2025, dins del Projecte d’Escola Multilingüe, la nostra escola torna a donar la benvinguda als i les Auxiliars de Conversa, en l'onzena edició de PAC (Programa d'Auxiliars de Conversa).

Aquest any comptem amb 4 auxiliars que compaginen les seves tasques com a auxiliars lingüístics en les classes de llengua anglesa “speaking assistant” a Batxillerat, ESO i Primària, amb les hores AICLE (Aprenentatge integrat de Continguts i Llengües Estrangeres) d’E.F. i psicomotricitat, música, Natural Science, robòtica, etc.

Per una altra banda, comptem amb la presència a l'etapa d'Infantil de 3 Tècniques d'Educació Infantil amb competència oral d'anglès, que faran les tasques d'auxiliar de conversa amb els infants, i seran el seu referent en anglès a l'aula.

Let me introduce you to…

  • Milo Anderson de United Kingdom, per Batxillerat i ESO.
  • Michael McAteer de Derry, Northern Ireland per Batxillerat, i ESO.
  • Aidan Luma dels Estats Units per Primària i AICLE (música, science- ampliació) i PFI.
  • Josephine Somerville  de United Kingdom, Voluntària durant el 1r trimestre. Assistent de conversa a 1r i 2n i AICLE ( EF) a primària.
  • Grego Fdez  a I3
  • Adela Errasti a I4
  • Tao Alba a I5

We wish them the best stay with us!

Hello, I am Aidan! I am from the United States of America, so my native language is English. This is my second year at Escola Pia Balmes as an English language assistant. Last year, I worked in the classes of Physical Education, Corral, and PFI. This year I am working in the English classes for all of Primary. I am very excited to teach another year at the school and have the opportunity to teach my native language to the students.

Hello, my name is Michael and I am a language assistant at Escola Pia Balmes.
I teach English in secondary school, working with all age groups (1 ESO - 2 Batx).
I will sometimes assist the teacher with the teaching of their class, but more often than not, I will take small groups. This is to allow them the opportunity to practise what they have learned in a more closed and comfortable environment.
My goal is to develop the students’ oral competencies, specifically regarding their use of grammar.

Hi! I’m Milo, and I’m one of the English Language Assistants for ESO / BAT classes this year. I’m originally from London, UK, and I’ve recently graduated from Durham University, where I studied Electronics Engineering.

I’ll be running English speaking exercises with the students, helping them build their vocabulary, competency, and most importantly confidence; I’ll also be assisting in Physics, Chemistry and Natural Sciences. I know that learning a science in a second language is difficult, so hopefully I’ll be able to make the process easier, by helping students with some of the trickier English terminology!

Hello! I am Jo, and I am excited to be a language assistant in the primary school of Pia Balmes. I am 21, and recently graduated from an English Literature degree at the Universiy of Cambridge. I live in the south of England in the countryside, so I am excited to experience city life! This is my first time being in Barcelona, so I can’t wait to get to know its culture and learn Castellano.

Until Christmas, I will be working with Cristina and Joseph Maria with physical education lessons and with Jordi and Edu with English classes.

Grego Fdez  a I3

Hello! My name is Grego, I'm from Barcelona, and I've been working at Escola Pia Balmes since 2007. As a Child Specialist Technician, I collaborate with the tutors and accompany the little girls and boys in their day, their routines and habits, the game and everything that happens inside the classroom.

Since this course, I am especially excited to be able to enrich my work with a new goal: to experience English as another language in the classroom. For children, it means learning to communicate with a real person, close and present in their day-to-day life, facilitating learning. For me, getting to know the project and knowing how important it is for English to be taught day after day, gives a new dimension to my work as a classroom assistant.

Adela Errasti a I4

hello! I'm Adela, I previously held the position of the director's  secretary. Since my family situation changed, the school very kindly offered me the possibility of making a change of duties by offering me to participate as an English assistant in i4 classes. This is turning out to be a very nice experience, thanks to the students and the teachers, in which I see the every day necessity of being a better person cause we are in contact with what is most important, which are the children, their needs, concerns and helping them to develop the most positively way their personalities.

Tao Alba a I5


My name is Tao and I will be your English assistant during this year. I am thrilled to help kids in their knowledge process!  I am delighted to be a part of this amazing team. Until June I will be working  with my colleagues to prepare engaging activities and immersing students in English. I’ll also be preparing psychomotor lessons and I’ll be assisting the teachers with SUMMEM and Jordi with English classes.

I have started doing all kinds of activities with the students including things such as : singing songs, working on daily routines and habits and also playing lively recess games and  board games. These games are a useful teaching resource. This is a fun way to allow the students to learn English vocabulary, develop  motivation and have fun.

My role is to offer guidance and assistance, as well as helping  children grow  in confidence with speaking and  

listening skills. I also get to answer any questions pupils may have during their learning process

I wish my students an excellent school year!
