
This week in Infantile we started learning about different topics including, food, drink and family. It was very interesting to learn which foods the children liked and didn´t like the children were very vocal about this! In 1st and 2nd Primary I asked the children what they did during Easter and most of them managed to articulate what they did during the week off very well! During Story time this week we watched the story of Peter Pan which the children responded to very well because the story includes so many different elemements i.e fairies, pirates and magic!


This week in Primary we have been introduced to storytelling ready for Jocs Florals on the 23rd April for St Jordi. The children have been learning how to create ideas for a poetry or prose piece. We have been looking at rythmn and creativity. In Art this week we have really got our hands dirty! Literally.


This week the students have been telling me all about their Easter holiday adventures. Conversation topics this week have included jobs and what skills are needed to do the jobs, film and television and crime and detective work.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][cmo_single_image image="19864"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
