Castanyada VS Halloween

A l'escola donem importància a la festa de la Castanyada per tal de conèixer millor el nostre entorn, el pas del temps, l'estació de la tardor i el seu ritme a la natura, a la vida i a les activitats de les persones.
La Castanyada i Tots Sants anuncien que l'estiu s'ha esvaït definitivament i que el fred comença a fer-se notar. I si ens fixem en l'entorn veurem que els arbres perden les fulles després de tenyir-les de groc, taronja, vermell o marró; podem trobar als mercats fruites de temporada com la castanya, la magrana i el moniato i podem compartir plegats uns dolços que només es fan per aquests dates, el panellets.
Aquestes activitats interdisciplinàries i de trobada de la comunitat educativa, on l'alumnat és el protagonista, serveixen també per despertar-li el sentit de pertinença, unió, solidaritat i respecte a tots els pobles i cultures.
1st of Novembre - dia de Tots Sants - is a time full of traditions and beliefs closely linked to our ancestors. And, despite the fact that in recent times American traditions such as Halloween, have taken control of the festivity of All Saints, in Spain the Day of the Dead was already celebrated with its own customs for centuries. All around the Spanish geography there are centuries-old traditions to celebrate the night of October 31st to November 1st.: Samaín in Galícia, Amagüestu in Asturias, Castanyada in Catalunya, Gazteñerre in País Vasco and Navarra, Tosantos in Andalucia… thousands of names that we can find among the Spanish festivities to celebrate on All Saints Eve, on the night of the 31st.
It ‘s very present in Catalonia with a tradition that has lasted several years. In this event that is held both in towns and in the city, you will find several stalls that flood the streets with those smells so typical of autumn: chestnuts, toast and sweet potatoes. In this traditional festival it is typical to gather on the 31st or 1st with family or friends to eat sweets, candied fruit and chestnuts, nuts and enjoy the panellets, almond cakes and pine nuts.
We can share all this celebration with the people that come to visit our country, and we can learn from them and their traditions.
At school, in our English lessons, when we get closer to this festivity, we approach this anglo saxon tradition…and we introduce our pupils to the way English speakers all over the world celebrate this festivity. We do so by singing songs, rhymes or poems with infants; doing some arts and crafts or playing a Halloween bingo using the related vocabulary with older children, or reading/listening to interesting facts about the festivity and having fun with crosswords or words search.
Students are always eager to learn and excited to do any of the suggested activities, and we wish them all...