Parlem amb la Millie i el Taylor, auxiliars de conversa
Un curs més, i dins del Projecte d’Escola Multilingüe, la nostra escola torna a donar la benvinguda als i les Auxiliars de Conversa.
Aquest any comptem amb 5 auxiliars que compaginen les seves tasques com a auxiliars lingüístics en les classes de llengua anglesa “speaking assistant” a Batxillerat, ESO i Cicle Superior de primària, amb les hores AICLE (Aprenentatge integrat de Continguts i Llengües Estrangeres ) d’E.F. i psicomotricitat, música, Natural Science, Maths, robòtica, etc.
Let me introduce you to…
- Millicent Jane Sullivan de United Kingdom, per Batxillerat i 2n cicle de l’ESO.
- Taylor Hogan Muench de Vermont als EUA, per Batxillerat, 1r cicle de l’ESO i Cicle superior de primària.
- Erik Michael Giannetti, de Califòrnia als EUA per primària.
- Anin Helena Olivier de Sud-àfrica, per Infantil.
- Claudia Vicho, exclusivament present a I3.
We wish them the best stay with us!

Hi everyone! My name is Taylor and this will be my second year as a language assistant with Escola Pia Balmes! Last year was an incredible experience for me being able to work alongside some fantastic students in Primary, ESO, and Batxillerat. Each day I go to the classrooms and work with students on their English speaking skills. Working together with the teachers here is an amazing opportunity and the students get a great immersive experience with the language. I take pride in being able to connect with the students and make them feel great about the process of learning each day.
I’m originally from the state of Vermont in the United States of America! It’s been a pleasure sharing stories and connecting with so many students. Everyone in this community has a passion for living an adventurous and purposeful life and I can’t be happier to be a part of it.
My love for travel and outdoor adventure led me to Spain and I’m not sure if I ever want to leave, I love Catalonia! I'm working on my Spanish so hopefully sometime soon I’ll be able to maneuver around the city better! If you see me in the hallways feel free to say hi.

Hi everyone, my name is Millie, I am so excited to be a part of Escola Pia Balmes! I will be one of the new language assistants here to work on the student’s english conversations. I am from the North of England and am ready to learn all about the Catalonia!
I’ve worked as a Psychologist in England and am very passionate about Child Psychology and Mental Health. Most of my family is Scottish and love the Celtic football team, I am looking forward to telling them all about Spanish football too.