
A few days ago, an American teacher came to our school to give two talks to the students of 3rd and 4th ESO. He’s called John Dohrmann and he’s part of a project called "Teacher On The Road". Basically, he has been travelling from country to country, from school to school, teaching students about economies and businesses.
Frankly, I found it very interesting; it was a very dynamic activity. He told us about Branding. Somehow, he summed up in a way that’s understandable for us, what the business world is and how it works.
I think it is especially useful for us because it may arouse our interest in that field, perhaps in the future we might study that career.
In the second talk, called Entrepreneurship, he explained us what it was, how to start a company and what qualities you need to start your own. He gave us useful information that we can use in the future.

Anny Carreño, 3rd ESO

Viky Mccrea, 4th ESO

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