Un curs més, i dins del Projecte d’Escola Multilingüe, la nostra escola torna a donar la benvinguda als i les Auxiliars de Conversa.

Aquest any comptem amb 5 auxiliars que compaginen les seves tasques com a auxiliars lingüístics en les classes de llengua anglesa “speaking assistant” a Batxillerat, ESO i Cicle Superior de primària, amb les hores AICLE (Aprenentatge integrat de Continguts i Llengües Estrangeres ) d’E.F. i psicomotricitat, música, Natural Science, Maths, robòtica, etc.

Let me introduce you to…

  • Erik Michael Giannetti, de Califòrnia als EUA per primària.
  • Anin Helena Olivier de Sud-àfrica, per Infantil.

Hello! My Name is Ninny and I'm from South Africa. This year I'll be working closely with the infantil kids, helping them to build and strengthen their foundational English language skills. I love kids, and I am super happy to be a part of the team here at Escola Pia Balmes. The kids are super adorable and the staff are lovely too. I'm looking forward to connecting with students and teachers, and sharing many conversations and experiences. 

Back home in South Africa I studied English, Psychology and Cultural Anthropology. One day I hope to practice psychology, but for now I'm focused on learning a little more about people and the world. When I'm not at school you can usually find me on my bicycle going for adventures around the city, hanging out with friends, reading a good book, or trying a new recipe. 

My love for people, culture, adventure and learning brought me to Spain one year ago, and kept me here for another year of teaching. I am hoping that this year will be just as full of love, learning and positive experiences as the last. 

Hello friends and families! I am Erik, and I am a 26 year old from California. I am so excited to be returning for my second year here at Pia Balmes. I am a food, music, sports, and travel lover, so coming to Barcelona was a very easy choice for me!

I am currently assisting in Physical Education and Music classes, and I am having so much fun working with the kids to improve their English skills. In Physical Education, I start by taking attendance and making sure each student has brought their proper uniform. Afterwards I explain the games or activities that we are playing that day. My favorite part of Physical Education classes is "free time" at the end of the class, because I get to play soccer (football) with the kids. In the Music classes, we have a variety of different games and activities such as translating songs, creating choreography, and much more. 

I hope to meet you all soon! I can´t wait for this next year, and I hope to meet you all soon!
